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World Honey Bee Day

Time: 2016-08-20 10:00:00
HCAS, Chennai
World Honey Bee Day

World Honey Bee Day

Venue: - Biotechnology Department Gallery -Hindustan College of Arts & Science

EVENT ORGANISER: - Dr. T. Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Hindustan College of Arts & Science


The primary goal of “World Honey Bee day “celebration is to promote and advancement of beekeeping, to educate the students and public about honey bees and bee keeping and also to make aware of environmental concerns as they affect honey bees.


The “World Honey Bee day“ was celebrated by Enviro-club, Department of Biotechnology to bring the importance of bee keeping , honey and to build community awareness of the bee industry through education and promotion.


Students of B.Sc and M.Sc actively gave their involvement for creating awareness towards significance of honey and bee making by making handmade chart works. Around 13 handmade posters were displayed on the Department gallery to emphasize the importance Apiculture and Honey bees. The poster falls on the topics as mentioned below

1. Royal Jelly,

2. Types of honey bees,

3. Importance of honey,

4. Economic of importance of Apiculture

5. Wax from honey bees etc.


The sweet golden liquid from the beehive is a popular kitchen staple loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties that has been used since the early days of Egyptian tombs. Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. To conserve and to create awareness on the significance of honey and bee making we celebrated ‘World Honey Bee day’ previously known as ‘Honey Bee awareness day’.

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